A home certification is the final inspection of a newly completed structure, typically done by an independent party. While no mandatory regulations exist for these certifications, they are recommended to protect consumers from faulty or subpar quality within the construction industry. This inspection helps to ensure that the construction meets specific codes and clear safety rules.

Is a home certification necessary?
Some individuals argue that obtaining a home certification is unnecessary, due to the associated costs and perceived lack of impact on their lives. However, even if you have not yet moved into your residence this process can prove beneficial in averting issues in the future. Problems such as mold growth or electrical fires could arise over time due to sealing or blueprint discrepancies. Having this documentation can offer peace of mind and safeguard your investment.
In general, it is advisable to seek a home certification for any completed construction project be it a house, garage, or storage shed. By adhering to this protocol for all endeavors you are laying a foundation for success not only in your current project but also, in any future undertakings you may have planned. A reevaluation can further enhance the certification process.
Different Codes for Different Locations
When discussing codes and construction a question that arises is, "What do those numbers, on my house signify?" This inquiry often stems from concerns raised by others about whether a home complies with regulations. The numbers on a house serve as indicators of whether the building was constructed in adherence to rules and regulations based on its location.
In cities across the United States government agencies oversee the enforcement of building codes within their respective jurisdictions. Certain areas like Boston, Massachusetts; New York City, New York;. Chicago Illinois mandates city certification for any construction projects. Cities such, as Denver, Colorado; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania go a step further by requiring contractors involved in renovation work to adhere to their codes.
Deciphering Code Numbers
The segment of a code number reveals the area where the construction took place. The subsequent part denotes the type of structure being built—whether it is residential or non-residential.
Different types of codes cover family, two-family, and multi-family homes while nonresidential codes encompass a wide range of structures, like hotels, office buildings, and industrial spaces. As per the International Code Council (ICC), there are more than 200 regions in the United States that maintain their specific codes. This indicates that individuals residing in California might need to adhere to regulations compared to those in Texas. Additionally, the ICC publishes, over 1,000 International Codes that are utilized worldwide. In cases where a city does not adhere to any predefined standards it is often referred to as "unzoned."