RESCheck Review LLC helps identify whether new homes adhere to the standards set by the International Energy Conservation Code or the National Energy Code. RESCheck makes sure that building officials are in compliance through doing an inspection. The inspectors will check to see if the building has proper insulation and window measurements. RESCheck inspects apartments, condos, and multifamily buildings. The staff strives to stay up to date on different building codes. They will look over your project to prevent future complications. RESCheck will supply you with the necessary information to complete your construction project. RESCheck uses a simple UA calculation for each building to determine the U-Factor. The UA compares your building to other buildings with similar measurements. If your building has similar numbers, then it is considered compliant with the UA Code. The RESCheck path converts the UA to a U-Value by calculating the U-Factor times the assembly area. Tradeoffs may happen occasionally.
Pricing is based on the projected size of your residential building project. The company will measure costs relative to your needs and build. The staff will assist you with potential add-ons. RESCheck has experience working on large residential dwellings. The staff will make sure that your project meets the standards set by the International Energy Conservation Code. RESCheck handles additions the same way they look at new construction projects. Only the new parts of the building will be measured through the software. If necessary, RESCheck will look at tradeoffs when figuring out compliance. RESCheck uses computer modeling to analyze building projects. Keeping track of local and national guidelines can be stressful. The staff of experienced professionals at RESCheck will make things easier for you. If your building violates codes, you could be fined or even forced to tear it down. RESCheck wants to prevent that from happening.
About IECC
Buildings consume a lot of energy. That’s why companies are constantly looking for ways to make buildings as energy efficient as possible. Architects rely on the International Energy Conservation Code. The IECC oversees the efficiency standards regarding a construction project’s walls, floors, windows, lighting, and ceilings. Every few years, officials across the United States brainstorm potential changes to the IECC. New technological advancements occur every year, which changes how buildings are designed. The IECC strives to ensure that new buildings meet current standards of safety and energy efficiency.